My LORD God, Your love has never failed me yet I have failed You countless of times yet Your mercy and love for me endures.
How can I show You with my deeds how much I love You?
I would appreciate opportunities to show You with my deeds how much I love You.
Test my love for You my Savior and I will put all my trust and hope in You that I will not fail You.
I pray for strength, courage, wisdom, self-control over my tongue, body and mind. I pray that You will put a guard over my mouth so that I don't displease You when I try to show with my deeds how much I love You.
What can I give You to show You how much I love You. Even if I had the whole world and said, "LORD God this is for You, the whole world!", how would this please You? You made me and the world. You also made the sea and everything in it. You made the heavens. You made the sun, the moon, the stars and all the constellations.
I can only show You how much I love You with my deeds. I ask You to provide me with opportunities. Test my love for You.
I pray that I will not fail You LORD. You are my everything and I live for You.
I love You God of my salvation!
May You be loved as You love!